
Website of the Week 4!

www.brickfilms.com is a website with hundreds of stop motion graphics movies made with legos.  Some of them are pretty incredible.  I included a Yellow Submarine movie and Summer Loving from Grease.  Check out some more when you have a chance.


Final Project I

Match.com is a website in which men and women take risks and let chance dictate their future. This was theme was similarly reflected in my experience with this project.

Selecting my initial action or subject for the assignment was not too difficult. I wanted to let my photographs influence the outcome of my brand name, so I did not put much thought into the action I choose. I picked three separate actions, photographed all three, and selected the one I felt would give me the best results: a woman putting on make-up. Taking the original photographs, I found to be the most challenging part of the project. As an inexperienced photographer, I did not plan out my shots as meticulously as I should have, which would have entailed paying close attention to the light, removing any distracting objects in the background, and providing my actor with careful direction.

After reviewing the photographs, it wasn’t long before I came up with my brand name, Match.com. I wanted to steer clear of any obvious solutions, such as perfume or make-up brands. While studying the images of a young woman applying make up, it elicited thoughts of a woman preparing for a date. With my brand identified, narrowing down my photographs was relatively easy. Many of my pictures were out of focus or had distracting images in the background so I used cropping and Photoshop editing to my advantage to get each shot the way I anticipated. Additionally, my experience with Flash made creating the slide show unproblematic and allowed me to manipulate the photos how I intended.

Lastly, selecting music took some trial and error. My first instinct was to select slow, romantic, typical “love” music. After testing it out, I felt my images and the match.com logo was too joyful to fit that theme. When contemplating the concept of my brand and message I wanted to communicate, the Frank Sinatra song “Love and Marriage” came to my mind. I changed the music and found the upbeat tempo and comical association with the television show “Married…with Children” worked well the playful logo, enticing photographs, and dancing images.

Similar to the users of Match.com, I let chance influence my actions and was both pleasantly surprised and happy with the results of my project.